Hence, after taking the telecom sector with a storm, now Reliance Jio which is especially known for its high-speed free internet, free voice calls and SMS, has launched new feature phone with a price as low as Rs.1500. Yes, it may sound crazy but, it’s true. However, telecom company Reliance Jio is providing unlimited calls and the internet from past 9 months which makes it one of the most dominating companies in the telecom sector. The company is right now busy introducing new plans because the free streak is about to end this month. As we saw recently, that a few days ago, Aircel launched an awesome new pack which is priced at Rs 348 in which users will get to use 1GB of data per day along with unlimited calls for 84 days. But, just after that plan again it announced another plan which is priced at Rs.333. The pack goes by the name RC 333 is been described by the company as its ‘best ever’. Recently, Reliance Jio silently updated one of its prepaid packs simply to provide all its customers with unlimited data. Yes, now many of you might be wondering that which plan Reliance Jio updated recently. The telecom company Reliance Jio updated its 149 plan basically this plan comes with 2GB of bundled data with the 28 days of validity and once the 2GB data exhausted, simply the customer would have to buy a top-up voucher. But, from now with the new updated 149 plan, all its customers will get unlimited data. While this 149 plan still comes with 2GB FUP with the 28 days of validity, but, once it over you can continue to surf the web but at the speed of 64kbps. So, what do you think about this? Simply share your views and thoughts in the comment section below.


Wow  Jio s Rs 149 Plan Now Offers Unlimited Data - 45Wow  Jio s Rs 149 Plan Now Offers Unlimited Data - 23Wow  Jio s Rs 149 Plan Now Offers Unlimited Data - 13